Monday, October 1, 2012

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

As independent distributors, we experience a lot of freedom.We get to choose when to work, who to work with, why we are working. But we know there are people out there who are having their freedom taken away from them - everyday. According to the CDC, one in every four women will experience domestic violence in their lifetime. Count your friends. Which one will it be?

 It's sad but so very true. Most of us don't want to talk about it, which means that it goes on. Perpetrators are able to continue the cycle because we still think the subject is taboo. We've made great strides, but still there is violence. Women are no longer treated as chattel, and many women do stand their ground, get themselves and their children to safety. But there are so many more who don't. 

And domestic violence doesn't just happen to women. There are men who are victims. So many children are victims. Not to the vulnerable elderly. This month we want to help support those who have had their freedom taken from them.

When we thought about our WHY this month, we thought about freedom. And in celebrating our freedom this month, we wanted to help others who are seeking freedom for themselves. Help us support survivors of domestic violence and join us. Wrap for Domestic Violence Awareness in the month of October.

 If you or someone you know is a victim of domestic violence call the Domestic Violence Helpline: 1-800-764-2420


  1. I didn't know that it was Domestic Violence awareness month. I'm glad to know. I'll spread the word. I'm 100% against domestic violence. I've seen it happen all too many times! It has to stop.

  2. It’s quite unfortunate that there are still some people who are trapped in a physically and psychologically abusive relationship, just because nobody (including the victim) would take stand against it. Thanks for helping raise funds and awareness for this issue! I hope with the spread of campaigns like yours, the crimes related to domestic violence would soon diminish. Have a great day!

    Faith Brady @ Khunter Law
