We all have questions about vitamins! A trip to your local drugstore or supplement store can leave you even more confused. There are assorted vitamins, A to Zinc all touting different health reasons. Should you take them all? That's a hard handful of pills to swallow! It's a bit overwhelming, isn't it? Well, I've been looking into it, and I have a few words of advice for my readers with vitamin questions!
Why Take a Multivitamin?
First off, you may have been told by doctors or other health professionals over the years that you do not need to take any supplements, that all your need nutrients come from your food. There's a couple of problems with this line of thinking. First off, it is almost impossible to say that anyone will always eat a perfectly balanced diet. We don't consistently eat healthy and when we do, the rules are always changing! The 4 food groups, the pyramid thingy, now my plate! How many times in your lifetime have the food rules changed? And that's just what is out in public view, how many times do you think the Daily Value numbers have changed behind the scenes. Best guesses in the comments below!
Another HUGE reason to take a vitamin supplement is a simple math equation. The daily value numbers are based on a 2000 calorie diet. Most women will gain weight on a 2000 calorie a day plan. Even smaller caloric intakes can equal weight gain! What is your calorie goal each day? Plus, when adding exercise to that equation means that you are using up those nutrient, therefore need even more nutritional supplementation! Eating all the nutrients you need in one day would be time consuming
(preparing and eating a wide variety of foods), would break the caloric
bank, and even figuring out exactly what you need would be mind
How Do I Know What a Good Vitamin Looks Like?
I know that trying to pick a good vitamin is scary. Supplements cost good money, and you don't want to choose one that is going to pass through, unabsorbed! Do you smell your vitamins when you pee? That's probably a good sign that your body is not absorbing as well as you should be!
I have two words for you: Bioavailable and Bioactive. Bioavailable means that they are in the right form, ready to be absorbed and utilized by the body. Bioactive means they are above and beyond what is needed to meet basic nutritional needs.
So when you are choosing your multivitamin, be sure that those two words are included in the product information.
Where Do I Find This Amazing Vitamin?

The best part is that you can save up to 45% on this and all our other great products when you become a Loyal Customer today!
It really is hard to choose vitamins. There is so much information out there and much of it is contradictory. Thanks for the information without a lot of confusion. :)